Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Me at the fair

Me At The Fayre

I love Moshi Monsters. To play it you can be a kid, an adult, or a teenager, but not a baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Hey baby, so glad to see you are writing a blog. Keep it up XXX

  2. Hi, Morgaine! My name is Lane. I'd love to hear more about your Moshi Monster!

    1.) What color is it?
    2.) Do you have a picture of your Moshi Monster?

    Bye bye! :)

  3. Hi Morgaine! Welcome to blogland. I don't know what Moshi Monsters are... could you tell me more about them?

    I am very impressed that you are a doctor already!

    Sarah xxx

  4. Hey Morgaine!
    I'm Andre.
    I'm very curious to know how the monster Moshi (^^)
    Much success with your blog! I'm following you, following you back?
    Kisses ..
    Andre Oliveira

  5. Hi Morgaine,
    My daughter is 8 years old, and she is a big Moshi Monsters fan.
    she uses some of her pocket money to pay for her subscription each month.

    congratulations on your new blog!


Thank You for encouraging me